World Going Up in Smoke: Reformed Smokers View.

We have not only done this to people but to the World at large.
When all the World was want to smoke
And so sexy was the Marlboro bloke,
Advertising overlooked the lethal side,
Suck this in, and blow with pride,
The smart pack and it's fresh contents,
A smell which the sly smoker laments,
Oh, just one more, I may as well,
Tomorrow may bring me a view in Hell.
I will give up , once I am feeling strong,
Next week perhaps, If I last that long.
Once upon a time, when the World did smoke,
I came across this sickly joke,
They called it Advertising spin,
But now the rhetoric has worn us thin,
Freedom of choice, the Ad men cry,
A packet a day won't make you Die,
Even two, if you can find your breath,
May as well, before your premature Death.
Ned Hoskin
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