Song for wee Billy

Paula's Dad, from Ireland has been here for his annual pilgrimmage. Whilst here I started to pen the words for a little song. It has turned out Australiana rather than Irish. Sang to the tune (of course) of Waltzing Matilda. Enjoy! ( I hope) Wee Irish Billy (sung to Waltzing Matilda) Wee Irish Billy , came out from Ireland, He flew over the land and the sea, 10,000 miles, with a twinkle and smiles, He even flew, e-con-om-y. He came to see his Paula His fair maiden Daughter, In the Land that we all know as Down Under, Where the heat and the thunder, and the wine makes us chunder, In Australia our thirst, is so legendary. Wee Irish Billy came out from Ireland, He flew over the land and the sea, 10,000 miles, with a twinkle and smiles, He even flew, e-con-om-y. He drank all our beer, so then he started on our ...