Life Drawing Group, Bottles and Bridges.

It was spot on 8pm  last night, at Life Drawing at As Iz Art Gallery, when my son phoned me. I told him where I was and he reminded me that I am never home. That's observant since he lives in another State.
He also listed to me where I had been for about the past 10 nights which was handy because I couldn't remember where I had been myself!

Slumping into bed at 11.15pm my lovely Ms. SaidByNed  said it was nice to see me and I went through a similar discussion with her until being overcome with a deep sleep.

For the second time in a week the Westgate Bridge came tumbling down in my dreams. My good friend David and I were in a car sitting at the beginning of the bridge complaining that they had shut the thing, as the sides fell off and other cars went tumbling into the water below. We still wanted to drive over the bridge. I woke up, worried. I had to assure myself that this was only the second time I had dreamt this dream. If it were the third time, I would be really worried, because when I dream something 3 times in a row, it seems to come true. ( More details about that in a later blog)

Assuring myself this was indeed dream number 2,  I immediately and unusually went straight back to sleep. Only this time, I was accompanied by other members of the Life Drawing group, all friends of mine, all sitting up in bed with us chatting about a bizarre subject. In this deep slumber we seemed to all have found an old glass bottle. One each. And each bottle was somehow distorted as though it had been molten at one stage.  Sitting up in bed together, discussing our amazingly similar bottle collection. I wont mention names of the people in the bed, it might frighten them.  It did me. Then one of my brothers, (whom I don't see often),  but who did indeed once find an old stone bottle at the beach when we were kids, suddenly came into the room and showed us his bottle too. It was an old Stone's Ginger Beer bottle which he found whilst snorkelling at Grange Beach in about 1965 + - .

For some reason, at circa 4.15am my 26 year old daughter, who also lives interstate, strode into the room, also carrying an old dark colored, glass bottle which was also distorted as if molten.
She was quite excited to see that everyone sitting up in the bed had a similar bottle. She didn't seem to notice the fact that there were several of us in the bed at the time, which of course was still ficticious, thankfully. ( Actually this does remind me of another story I must tell you about how my 2 brothers ended up in bed together only a couple of years ago)

Circa 6am and I again I woke with a start, having to get going. I looked around and checked to see that there was no-one else in the bed...or even the room, which thankfully was the case. There were no bottles either. I turned on the news and found that the Westgate Bridge was still standing.

Tonight I will be home to talk to my son and daughter on the phone without distraction. But I am sure that as I go to sleep later on, my mind is still going to be wondering why the people from Life Drawing were in my bed last night, comparing old melted bottles.

And will I indeed have a third dream about a bridge collapse.

And how does my son remember where I have been, when I don't!

If anyone would like to send me an interpretation of these dreams I would be most appreciative!!

Ned Hoskin


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