Bob The Builder, Wanging Ducks on the Head and...."So, You Want to Build a Duckery!"

It was 3am this morning when Ms Ned and I engaged in a discussion re our days' activities (see Blog titled Playing Hide and Sleep for more details) I advised her that I happen to have run into Bob the Builder and his lovely wife, (whom we will call Mrs Bob for the sake of the exercise), during the day. Bob the Builder: (Not my neighbour of course) We happen to live across the road from Bob the Builder, not the cartoony type character of course, but the real deal, a Builder called Bob. Mrs Bob will always go down in history with us for having offered to wang our Ducks on the head when they get sick. Diametrically opposed to Mrs Bob's natural remedy for ducks, Ms Ned has always insisted that a sick duck goes to the vet for any ailment, at great expense, to receive a dose of Valium or Xanax or any other required drug for illnesses both physical and psychological. Ned : TV Ned, not me . I am sure there must be thousands of Bob t...