The Hannibal Lecter CookBook and Calming the Savage Beast.

We were definitely fortunate to have been asked to a friends house last weekend, although I was a little concerned when dessert came out looking like it had been created using a recipe straight from the Hannibal Lecter Offal Cookbook.  

I was even more amazed to see the effect that one slice from the said dessert had on the otherwise savage guard dog, whose behaviour suddenly did that of her master as evidenced in the photos below. 

As you can see, the Savage Dog became a doting Lamb and the owner had a sudden reversion to a 60's era semblance of sign language.

Others who also ate the Said Dessert seemed to dance the night away in singular oblivion , oblivious to any other goings-on. 

On the same night, a Pig ran away with a Spoon, Polly Put the Kettle on (but had no takers for tea) and Little Jack Horner continued to sit in a corner as he has done for the past 89 years. 

Also the bus from Priscilla found its way into the lounge room, Skippy ran for Parliament ( or Hopped for Parliament I suppose is more apt) and the Three Stooges won votes for the Nobel Peace prize. 

Oh, and my pet monkey went missing from the friends house. 

Ned Hoskin Ned Hoskin: Kindle Store


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