Well its happened again. I do love it when you wake up laughing. This morning's dream did just that, and as usual, one is left wondering, what the...?

It started with me, the quintessential, self-taught Do-it-Yourselfer, repairing someones electrical wiring in an anonymous shop somewhere, trying to use pieces of... pumpkin...as the connector thingies. You know the bit I mean, where all the wires run into the little plastic box thingy before they go off in different directions. Of course I am trying not to get too technical for you.

As I screwed the screwy things into the top of the pumpkin box thing, the bits of pumpkin kept breaking so of course, as the master of improvisation, I soon realised that one had to use the bits of pumpkin with the skin on. This, I found, would take the screws without breaking apart.  (I should point out here that I know more about pumpkins than I do about electrical thingies.)

Having successfully rewired this person's shop ( I have no idea who he was) we stood out the front of the shop negotiating the full price for the work undertaken, where upon I agreed upon $100 cash for a full days work! I'm not sure if that included the cost of materials...I mean...pumpkins.

It seems the dream took place in the centre of a large city, which then became Adelaide in South Australia, so there is another contradiction of terms.

At this point I remembered my car had been parked all day in a short term park on the other side of the city, and thus I began walking / running to the car to save it from a parking ticket. Along the way, I happened upon a troop of Police Horses with riders, walking in a procession. It was a nice Official Procession  ( which you can tell, because I used capitals in the spelling) and I was taking in the equine display when one of the horses slipped and fell over.

 stood beside the horse, staring at it, wondering why he / she didnt get up ( there was no rider in sight) when I 'noticed' that the horse was still strapped to its bicycle!! I mean.."Hello!' , this is a small point I hadnt noticed prior to this. This horse had a bicycle contraption strapped to it and once it had fallen over, it lay stretched out, and therefore had no way of getting up again.

I was looking the horse in the eye, it glancing away, as though a little embarrassed by his predicament!

And I, not knowing how to get him back up again.

Suddenly, as it does in a dream, the time suddenly changed to 3.30 a.m ( which happned to be about the real time) when my phone rang. I wondered why my phone would ring at 3.30 in the morning.

It was my brother. He said he was having trouble with his phone and needed to check if it worked.

I said  'But at 3.30 in the morning?'

'Yes' he replied.  'Huh...it seems to work fine'

In my dream I remember thinking, well why would he disturb me at 3.30 a.m. when I remembered the horse laying on the road strapped to a bicycle. It was the middle of the day again.

And everything was suddenly normal again. Except for the embarrassed horse laying on the road on a bicycle.

Ned Hoskin


My E-book "The Many Ponderings and Predilections of Ned from Indented Head" is available at Amazon Books at this link:



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