Why to keep Change in your Undies. ( And Airing some Dirty Linen, so to speak)
I was thrilled to hear from my friend Megs on Friday night at Happy (several) Hours that my Blog has become a highlight of her week! I always get a thrill to receive such a review. My excitement was slightly short-lived when regrettably Meg did point out that other 'highlights" in her week include putting out the garbage and watching the ABC Test Pattern at 3am.
None the less, the attention was exhilarating, but then the highlights to my own week had been pretty mundane too, including milking as much attention as I could out of my squash-knee injury ( and going back to the court 3 times to do it again) , watching the Stats on my Blog as they stagnate and tidying out the undies drawer on Sunday afternoon. I do this from time to time, to find loose coinage. The reason I end up with coins in the undies drawer stems from the time many , many years ago when I was a little Ned and my Mother (Bless her) found a pair of my soiled undies hidden under a cupboard.
You see, I had had a little accident on a trip to the zoo and was too distraught to tell my mother , so I pushed them right under a wardrobe to try to hide the embarrassing truth. Some time went by until the offending odour was found and once again I received the worst reprimand of all - sent to my room for an hour after being given a stern talking to and threatened with not being allowed to have any of her famously yummy freshly baked cakes!
This was probably the worst punishment of all, although being locked in a room with my own soiled undies was pretty bad too, and that went on for a couple of months.
Of course little boys are totally oblivious to such things as smell, particularly their own, and so unless some one else tells them to change them from time to time little boys seem to avoid changing any clothes, possibly for weeks on end!
Anyway, back to the story, as I wailed and sobbed my little heart out , clasped in the foetal position on my bed, I obviously misheard my mothers advice when she was reprimanding me for my hiding of the soiled undies and my general hygiene , when I thought she said 'You have got to keep change in your undies!'
So I did, usually a few 10 cent coins and maybe a fifty cent piece.
Of course now that I have grown up ( a bit anyway) I realise this was in fact 'You have got to keep changing your undies.' Mind you, as a youngster I also got away with wearing the same socks for weeks on end. Every morning when asked whether I had changed my socks I was able to truthfully say that of course I have! I may have omitted to mention that I had changed socks from left foot to right and right to left.
So that is why the Undies Fairy visits my Undies drawer from time to time, with the loose coins that I have mislaid having kept change in my undies.
I only hope that the Tooth Fairy and the Undies Fairy don't double up because I for one would not want coins put under my pillow if they have been in some unhygienic kids under pants.
Cos that would certainly be a case of Dirty Money which I don't think you would want under your pillow!
(This story started out with Megs' highlight and Happy Hour? Have a nice week, Meggsie!!)
Ned Hoskin
None the less, the attention was exhilarating, but then the highlights to my own week had been pretty mundane too, including milking as much attention as I could out of my squash-knee injury ( and going back to the court 3 times to do it again) , watching the Stats on my Blog as they stagnate and tidying out the undies drawer on Sunday afternoon. I do this from time to time, to find loose coinage. The reason I end up with coins in the undies drawer stems from the time many , many years ago when I was a little Ned and my Mother (Bless her) found a pair of my soiled undies hidden under a cupboard.
You see, I had had a little accident on a trip to the zoo and was too distraught to tell my mother , so I pushed them right under a wardrobe to try to hide the embarrassing truth. Some time went by until the offending odour was found and once again I received the worst reprimand of all - sent to my room for an hour after being given a stern talking to and threatened with not being allowed to have any of her famously yummy freshly baked cakes!
This was probably the worst punishment of all, although being locked in a room with my own soiled undies was pretty bad too, and that went on for a couple of months.
Of course little boys are totally oblivious to such things as smell, particularly their own, and so unless some one else tells them to change them from time to time little boys seem to avoid changing any clothes, possibly for weeks on end!

So I did, usually a few 10 cent coins and maybe a fifty cent piece.
Of course now that I have grown up ( a bit anyway) I realise this was in fact 'You have got to keep changing your undies.' Mind you, as a youngster I also got away with wearing the same socks for weeks on end. Every morning when asked whether I had changed my socks I was able to truthfully say that of course I have! I may have omitted to mention that I had changed socks from left foot to right and right to left.
So that is why the Undies Fairy visits my Undies drawer from time to time, with the loose coins that I have mislaid having kept change in my undies.
I only hope that the Tooth Fairy and the Undies Fairy don't double up because I for one would not want coins put under my pillow if they have been in some unhygienic kids under pants.
Cos that would certainly be a case of Dirty Money which I don't think you would want under your pillow!
(This story started out with Megs' highlight and Happy Hour? Have a nice week, Meggsie!!)
Ned Hoskin
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