As a matter of research into my book about fun Wedding Ceremonies ( which is titled How to Have Fun Getting Married , due to be released in 2 weeks) I have undertaken some extensive research into the Marriage game. Along the journey, it reminded me of a book I purchased for Ms. SaidByNed when we first moved in together some 15 years ago. The book titled The Beginner Housewife by Phyllis Harker was first published in 1956. I just must share some of Phyllis' advice. Phyliss plans out a full day in 15 minute increments, beginning at 6.50am, going to bathroom, brushing hair, apply make-up. Between 7.30 am and 8 a.m Phyliss suggests any bride make up a list of the days work which should include at least the following: Wash up Make Beds Washing ( own undies , blouse etc!) Ironing Clean bath & basin Mop bathroom floor Stairs Bedroom Hall Mop and dust downstairs ( ! ) Vegetables Steak Trifle Kitchen 8.10am Wash Up. 8.20am Put washing to soak in plain ...
Yesterday I had the good fortune to undertake my annual OPD ( On-going Professional Development) at The Gordon Institute in Geelong. This is a requirement for maintaining a licence to work as an Authorised Celebrant. I chose to partake in a 3 hour Elective on Ethics which turned out to be far more entertaing than one might imagine. The discussions covered all kinds of issues pertaining to modern day dilemmas faced by Marriage Celebrants, some issues which one would rarely encounter but are none the less important to know about. As a part of one excercise we were all required to make 3 statements about ourselves, 2 of which were to be true and one which is a lie. The object of the excercise is to see if we could lie convincingly to the group, who have to try to tell which of the 3 statements is a lie. Sadly, most of us passed that test with flying colours, the group mainly finding it difficult to pick up which statement was the lie. I wish we had more time to think about th...
Once again I have procrastinated somewhat over the content of my one hundredth blog. I wanted to make sure it was something special. So it was good timing that my sister sent to me some DVD’s, which are copies of Super 8 films taken by a long lost uncle in the 1950’s. He was a wealthy farmer and had not only Super 8 movies but also colour film in his camera. He was decades ahead of the rest of us. So, we sat watching these dvd’s one night recently, mesmerised by my sister’s perpetual dancing with hoola hoops, with years between acts, still dancing and swirling the errant hoops around her arms in various locations until they invariably skittled off into the distance with her in pursuit and the camera left rolling, aimed at a fence or a wall or yet another garden full of flowers. Although sometimes, the flowers are black and white. And there are my brothers. The eldest at four or five sporting the same frown he still characteristically wears 57 years later...
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