Informal Wedding Poem by Ned Hoskin : WED BY NED

OK, so as you may know, I like to Write! And as you know I Marry People. So here is a taste of whats in store with my book. A Poem that I have written for a couple , which they have read as a Reading in their Ceremony. I hope you enjoy! This poem however may not be used in any way without my written consent. Please contact me first if you wish to use it or if you wish to have me re-write this one or create a new Poem / Reading for your wedding.

Today I Marry You, & the reason is quite clear,
You’re none too formal that’s for sure, but your motives are sincere,

I like the fact you smell like sweat, and your breath has that hint of beer,
And when we go to sleep at night you say now Nite Nite Dear!

I like the fact you know about, how to make me laugh,
And for pouring me a champagne while I’m sitting in the bath!
The cups of tea on my birthday, with breakfast while in bed,
And when you wear my undies for a joke upon your head!

I like the way you Party, when we go out with our friends,
And if we have a little tiff, you always make amends,
The way you do the silly things like funny walks and stuff,
And make out that you’re Superman, even though you’re not that tough!

I like the way your bottom, bounces when you run,
And when it is my birthday you always make it fun,
The quirky little presents that you give me all the time,
I’ll treasure every one, until the end of time.

In fact every minute of every day is so precious in our Life,
I look forward to me being your husband and to Me being your Wife,
No words can speak enough about the Love I feel for you,
We are strong as individuals, but its stronger being Two.

I Marry you today, and my heart is full of Love,
I am not religious as you know, yet you are my gift from up above,
So before my friends and family I wish for all the world to hear,
I join my life today with yours, and I will love you more each year.

Ned Hoskin


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