Informal Wedding Poem by Ned Hoskin : WED BY NED

OK, so as you may know, I like to Write! And as you know I Marry People. So here is a taste of whats in store with my book. A Poem that I have written for a couple , which they have read as a Reading in their Ceremony. I hope you enjoy! This poem however may not be used in any way without my w ritten consent. Please contact me first if you wish to use it or if you wish to have me re-write this one or create a new Poem / Reading for your wedding. Today I Marry You, & the reason is quite clear, You’re none too formal that’s for sure, but your motives are sincere, I like the fact you smell like sweat, and your breath has that hint of beer, And when we go to sleep at night you say now Nite Nite Dear! I like the fact you know about, how to make me laugh, And for pouring me a champagne while I’m sitting in the bath! The cups of tea on my birthday, with breakfast while in bed, And when you wear my undies for a joke upon your head! I like the way y...