Para-normal...or what? Mt Erebus Disaster.

I have mentioned before how I went through a period in my life where I would dream about a specific subject 3 times, to always have the incident come true. The story of the Air New Zealand, Mt Erebus disaster is perhaps the most outstanding, with a rather bizarre twist. The first major "Three dream" series occurred in 1977 when my mother was seriously ill. However, the family had been kept in the dark about the severity of her illness and were told it was temporary, which I guess it was, all things considered. Having woken three nights running in April 1977, with a terrible dream about my mother's imminent death, it was actually quite a surprise when I received a phone call the next day, summoning me to return inter-state as my Mother was on her death bed. Sadly it was true, we were all told the truth about her real health issue and she sadly passed away the next day. Over the next two years I encountered many other "Three dream" events of a more minor nat...