Bowen's Missing Mango

THE MISSING MANGO Ahhh, the Giant mango went missing, And the locals, they are all hissing! How could a thief stoop so low, As to steal the mascot Mango Up there in Bowen its hot And thieving is something that’s not Accepted by locals with relish Except when its mango embellished How do you steal such a fruit 10 tonnes if you please just to boot The size of a house tis at least Those responsible will have quite a feast Police are seeking a person with high levels of Vitamin C Possibly harbouring a hive of mad bees Chin all sticky from the juice of a mango My God, how low can one go. Good news, the mango found not far away Hiding in bushes they say, Proof it seems, if you ask me, That the mango never falls far from the Tree !! Ned Hoskin 0402 31 75 31