"V" for "Victory" . Or could it be for something else?

OK, as you know, this Blog started out as a site related to Marriage and Weddings but has lately covered everything on the planet. So now I have started my WedbyNed.blogspot.com/ Blog for all things to do with Weddings and Marriage...and Weddings and Marriage only! From now on, Said by Ned is for the rest of Life as we know it! And I am going to start out by including a photo taken from a Postcard which is in my father's photo album. Apparently this was a common sight after the second World War. The reference of course is the "V" for Victory. Not quite what we do at Life Drawing. A little decorum, please. Ned Hoskin Amazon.com: Ned Hoskin: Kindle Store www.asizart.com.au www.wedbyned.com.au www.seachangelife.com.au